
Monday, March 31, 2014

The Label in my Window

There's a label in the back window of my car. It looks like this:

That label, seemingly, serves one purpose: to tell anyone that sees my car that I am licensed to sell Thirty-One merchandise. (Ad break: Now that it's posted on the World-Wide Web, feel free to like my Thirty-One facebook page and don't forget to like the Purple Threads facebook page, as well, so you can keep up with all things Virtuous Woman! Now back to our regular programming...) ;-)

It wasn't until I sat on the trunk of my car after dark and applied that label with the edge of my debit card by the light of the garage that I realized it also serves another purpose: accountability.

If I'm driving 80 MPH on the freeway, zipping in and out of traffic like a NASCAR driver, or honking at someone and yelling about their driving, is that a good representation for my business? If someone notices that label and walks up to my car to write down my number or web address and they notice the cereal my daughter dumped out a week ago and random junk thrown all over that I haven't had time haven't bothered to clean up (which is exactly the way my car looks right now, so obviously it's eating at my conscience), is that a good representation of my own personal organization and, therefore, ability to help you organize yourself with the products I'm trying to sell?

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
While my car should be acceptable for advertising my personal business, every aspect of my life should be acceptable for advertising a far more important business- my Father's business. I am, in theory, to be a walking billboard for the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit that dwells within me, but is that what is actually being displayed? Jesus was patient, kind, understanding, but he was also firm, tactful, and precise. He loved the sinners, and His choice of friends proves it. Tax collectors, prostitutes, fisherman, the woman at the well... Yet how many times do we see picket signs instead of Bible studies? How many times have we stuck up our nose when we should have held out our hand?

What's the label in your window? Does it impact the way you live your life?

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